Second Vice Vantage

***If you came here for the March 6th article, please click here: 2nd Vice - Events & Happenings — Hollywood Post 43 The American Legion***

Karl Risinger

Feb 25, 2023, 5:23 PM (22 hours ago)
***If you came here for the March 6th article, please click here: 2nd Vice - Events & Happenings — Hollywood Post 43 The American Legion***

Still a few tickets available for the Bill Burr show!  Don't miss this epic night!!

If you weren't out on FRYday night for the Funtastical Funky night, you missed a great show and some delicious food.  We understand the weather had a little something to do with it.   Don't worry, we're gonna give it a reboot soon!  It was a lot of fun for those that could make it.

Gear up for some St. Patrick's Day Karaoke!  Not on St. Patrick's Day, but why not get the party started early, this Friday, March 3rd?!

Swing it up with our friends The Big Band Alumni on Sunday, March 5th.

There are a lot of activities in the works.  We will be having an Events Planning meeting immediately following the Social Meeting on Monday, March 6th.  Please meet us in the Conference room to help us map out Family Fun Day (Sunday, April 2nd), Memorial Day, Commander's Ball and other events heading into the Summer.

If you see any of these folks around the Legion, give them a HUGE Thanks for all they are doing behind the scenes for your entertainment and enjoyment:

Nick Papadakis

Karen Vasquez

Melissa Card

Jon Jeffery Jackman

Dan Witzling

George "Cookie" Cantero

I'm sure there are many more, but these folks really put in the hours of planning, decorating, cooking, cleaning and sooo much more!

Not sure if you are aware . . . but there is a Virtual side to the Legion Lounge Night!  Member Carlos Gonzales always has the Zoom link open on Thursday nights for those that can't get out or just need some camaraderie, but don't want all the distractions of the bar.  Check it out!

Virtual Bar Night

See ya at the Post!

Jere RomanoComment