1st Vice - Membership Minute

Greetings and a busy week!

I am a proud tri-family member of the American Legion and was elected as 2nd Vice Commander for the

Sons Squadron of Star Post 309. At the meeting, I ran into Post 43 member Peter Deyell, who hasn’t been

to our Post in a while. It was great to catch up with Peter and he is really excited about helping out on

some of our Post 43 Committees when we stand them up.

I also attended a fantastic networking mixer with VME. It was so nice of them to recognize Post 43 at the

event. So many of their members were interested in hearing about our Post history and mission and

want to become members.

When VME recognized some of their female leadership, it was striking to see how many of them are

members of Post 43 and have also been in our leadership. So proud to know them and hear some of the

amazing things they have been working on.

Commander Survey

I created a survey to help the Commander of our Post so they can hit the ground running when their

term starts. The results captured will be turned over to the new Commander if I don’t get elected.

I used a lot of surveys as 1 st and 2 nd Vice Commander in charge of Membership and Post Family Events

and was able to help make a lot of simple Post improvements because of them. We also have over 1,200

members and routinely have less than 100 members come to a meeting. How do we get input from the

other 1,100 members?

Please take the Commander Survey



Committees are the lifeblood of our Post and a chance to help make change. It is also a place to learn

teamwork and how the Post operates. Some of my best times at the Post were spent working on the

House Committee. I was also nominated for my first position in leadership based on work I had done on

a committee. Get involved!


Buddy Check 2023!

We continue to make Buddy Check calls and I can use your help. Please email me at Dennis@post43.org

for more details or to be added to the volunteer list.


We currently have 93% of our active members down as being renewed so we are getting closer! Please

renew your membership if you haven’t already.

If you have input, questions or can help serve on our Membership Committee as a member or Technical

Adviser, please send me an email at Dennis@post43.org


1 st Vice Commander

Dennis Kee

Jeff DalyComment